CapeWomenOnline - Where Cape Women Shine

Your local venue for the women of Cape Cod to share their ideas, experiences and resources while inspiring each other in their life's journey

Inspire . Encourage . Network . Share

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Submission Guidelines


CapeWomenOnline serves as a venue for the women of Cape Cod and the Islands to share their ideas, experiences and resources, while inspiring each other in their life's journey.

We like articles that have a strong point of view and come from the heart. We take pride in publishing timely, well-researched and well-written articles. Our choice of articles depends on the other material we have published on the subject, how new the topic is to us, and how unique the presentation is.

Sections Of Interest:

We have seven distinct sections to our magazine, and welcome submissions in each category:



Articles range from 500-1,200 words but average 700-800 words. This does not include the author bio, or any sidebar information pertinent to the story.

Fact Checking:

Articles are fact-checked before publication in CapeWomenOnline. Therefore, all research should be as current as possible. When quoting websites, include the proper URL link. When discussing Cape businesses, make sure all address, phone number, and other pertinent information is correct and up-to-date for the season.

How to Submit:

Submit articles as MS Word document attachments. Email submissions to:

Please include a brief author bio at the end of your submission. Off-Cape writers are welcome to submit articles if they have a Cape Cod connection. We read and respond to articles within two weeks of receiving them.

Include your name, phone number, and e-mail address within the body of your email. If you include photographs to support your article, please include the name and email addresses of photographers and/or subjects for us to obtain their permissions prior to publication.

We publish original, first-run material. Authors retain all rights to their works and are free to publish it elsewhere after it runs in CapeWomenOnline. By submitting an article to CapeWomenOnline, you warrant that the article, including all photos and "clip art", is original with you and it is not subject to any third party copyright and has not been published elsewhere.

We do not currently pay cash for submissions, but do offer advertising in trade. Authors automatically receive an ad on their article page as well as links to their websites. Other advertisements within the issue may also be available on a negotiated basis.


We like to publish at least one poem in each issue. Please send us no more than three poems at a time. Poems should be submitted to, as an MS Word attachment. Please include your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address with your submission. We generally do not print rhyming poetry.

Holiday Articles, Stories and Recipes:

We collect items for our annual Holiday issue all year long. Please feel free to make holiday submissions at any time during the year, putting the words "HOLIDAY ARTICLE" in the subject line of the email.