Welcome to the Dungeon

by Claudia Robinson

Do not let the name or the unassuming exterior of the Dungeon mislead you.

One step in to its 3-room, 3,600 square foot space, and any misconceptions about what a Mixed Martial Arts studio is "supposed" to resemble will be expunged. Bare bones it may be, offering only what its students need, but to the women who train under its meticulously immaculate tin roof, it's everything it should be and more.

The Dungeon began as a sort of "men only" private fight club in 1997, in the basement of owners John and Rosanna Burke's home. To say it has "evolved" would be an understatement. What it once was bears no resemblance to what it is now.

However, since its inception the Dungeon has possessed one unaltered core tenet: a family-like atmosphere filled with trainers and trainees with a like-minded mission to work hard, have fun and support one another. The support encompasses every and any capacity, and often times extends past the doors of the gym.

One of the greatest changes the Dungeon has seen over the years is in its clientele. With a top-heavy female-to-male ratio, the Dungeon's face has shifted from its former gritty, hardcore male base, to one that is predominantly female.


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Entrance into ... 'a Quiet and Peaceful -AGE-'

A Poem by Linda Ohlson Graham

Angel of Faith

Poem by Mary-Christine Haigh

Draped in velvet cloak of softened rich   hues of blue,
You somehow cross dimensions that   separate our souls.
Drifting to me in gentle loving wispy clouds   of grace,
You offer me comfort with a loving touch   forged by divine hand.
Directing energy, I feel the peace and   comfort you bring to me,
You enable unrestrained tears to leave a   place of pain and woe.
Dangling three golden twinkling stars   above my head,
You remind me the light of the Trinity is   always with me.

If you would like us to consider your poetry for publication please email the Publisher at Nicola@CapeWomenOnline.com

The Department of Meditation offers you the ageless wisdom and inimitable wit of our very own meditation guru, Constance Wilkinson, psychotherapist and card-carrying Buddhist.

Department of Meditation

by Constance Wilkinson, LMHC, MFA

Winter into Spring

Let me go backwards.

A few days ago, I learned that Cassia Berman had died. She was a talented poet and person who I'd met years ago in the writing program at Sarah Lawrence College. Just six weeks earlier, I had found Cassia on Facebook; I friended her after having had absolutely no contact with her for decades.

She was living in Woodstock, was still writing, and was a healer, practicing Qi Gong. I was very glad to have found her, and thankful for the medium that had allowed me to re-connect. Three weeks later, Cassia learned she had lung cancer, and three weeks after that, she was dead. Fini.

Six weeks ago, as I was re-finding Cassia, my 90-ish Greek ex-mother-in-law was deep in the process of dying. Anne was a wonderful person, the very embodiment of kindness. My daughter and I and my husband (second husband, not her son) loved her very much, and visited her as often as we were able.

Through her example, I changed. I changed my relationship to cooking. I gave up my until-then long-term New England pinchpenny grocery shopping habit after observing Anne driving halfway across Queens, every week, rain or shine, to shop for lamb in Astoria, because it was important to get the very best food for her family.

Not the cheapest food, the best food. Not the most expensive food, the best food. I learned that from her, and I changed.


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The Center for Change
Constance Wilkinson, LMHC, MFA

solution-focused psychotherapy
expressive arts
clinical hypnosis

Brewster, MA

Gillian Drake ad

Cancer Q & A
with Kathy Kanavos

Ask Me Anything!

Kathy O'Keefe Kanavos addresses your concerns about Cancer


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