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Climbing a Different Ladder

by Christine Briscoe

Not long ago, I was firmly rooted in what was a very successful career in human resources. I had a seat at the table, HR-speak for an executive sitting with the president, CEO, board of directors, making decisions and setting business strategy.

But something wasn't right.

In the beginning I loved my work and I did all the right things to climb the ladder and, while I worked hard, I had fun on my way up. Along the way I moved around, traveled, met some interesting, dynamic and inspirational people, and of course, some not so interesting.

Whether my success was a result of luck, hard work, a knack for being in the right place at the right time, or a combination of all three, I was always grateful for the opportunities I found and for the people who helped me find them.

A Passion for Passports

Working in the Student Travel Business

by K.S. Mueller

By the time this is published, we'll be opening our home in Eastham after another long winter's absence. That means it's spring – a very hectic time in student travel, where I've enjoyed a 30-year career.

Most people do not know about the niche we call "student travel". It's usually assumed, incorrectly, that we arrange student exchanges or semester-abroad programs for individual teenagers, ski trips, sports or music event tours, or the dreaded "spring-break" group tours to tropical, beach-party destinations.

Here's how I describe what we do at Passports Educational Group Travel: The French class goes to Paris (and Normandy, and the Loire Valley) for a week with their teacher. (The Spanish class goes to Spain or Costa Rica, the German class goes to Berlin, the art class goes to Rome… you get the idea.)

Even though I did study Travel and Tourism in college, and earned a certificate as a travel agent, I do not book tickets, hotels or travel services. Someone else does that

Your Money Matters: The Ghosts in Your Financial Closet

by Sherri Mahoney-Battles

As the year 2014 sweeps into our lives many of us embrace opportunity of a clean slate and the promise of some healthy changes. Unfortunately, as the year moves on, dreams of losing those extra pounds or finally paying off credit card debts fade away as old habits replace our resolutions.

In order to change our bad financial habits we need to first explore why we continue to make the same mistakes year after year.

As an accountant working with small business owners for twenty-five years I've had an extensive opportunity to study peoples' financial lives. Over the years I have found myself fascinated by the patterns I've witnessed taking place in my clients' financial lives

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