PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Jitka Borowick, owner of the natural cleaning company Cleangreen, is Living The Dream on so many levels! We hope you find her incredible story of vision and tenacity an inspiration to follow your own dreams, whatever they may be.

Living the Dream:
From the Czech Republic to Cape Cod

by Jitka Borowick

I was born in 1978 in a little village in the Czech Republic, which was communist until I was 11 years old. Because I was born into a communist society, I accepted the lifestyle and did not feel deprived of material things that children today see as necessities.

There were not many choices available. We had just a few kinds of candy, didn't have cereal and everything was very limited.

We were lucky to have oranges and bananas for Christmas. My parents used to wait hours in the line to get meats and many times they didn't get any.

We never had paper towels, wipes, a clothes dryer, or plastic bags at the store. I always had to bring back the plastic bag from my lunch. We had two television channels, one car in the family and we studied Russian language.


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Eco-friendly Stocking Stuffers for Under $20

by Katie O'Sullivan

The holiday season is upon us – as is the annual panic to find thoughtful presents that don't break the budget.

With the economy still sluggish, I know my gift-giving budget is slimmer than usual. But with some creative searching, I've uncovered interesting (and eco-friendly) gifts for under $20 both online and from our local Cape Cod vendors.

There's only room to list a few – but the options are endless if you think outside the box. (And ask your local shopkeepers for a little help!)

Buying local and supporting local artists and shopkeepers is eco-friendly because of the smaller carbon footprint, and it's also a great way to keep our Cape Cod economy strong.

Be sure to take a stroll down Main Streets in towns like Hyannis, Orleans, Chatham, Harwich Port and Provincetown to take advantage of holiday sales and surprises!

Don't feel up to the hustle and bustle of the season? We've also included a few online eco-gift selections that can be ordered with a click of the mouse while you sip your hot cider. And remember, many of our local retailers also have online shopping options available!


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The "Dirty Dozen"

Source: Environmental Working Group, and Food News.

Winter is once again descending on Cape Cod, and food shoppers are at the mercy of their local supermarkets to deliver fresh produce.

While winter squash make for hearty fare, we still crave the tastes of summer – and those fruits and veggies still magically appear in the produce section, thanks to our global economy.

Unfortunately, not all produce is created equal. Some of them owe their color and shine to an overabundance of pesticides and other chemicals sprayed to enhance their ability to travel long distances. Others are grown in countries with different rules about chemicals than here in the U.S.

Whether you are on a budget and need to prioritize your organic purchases, or you'd simply like to know which types of produce have the highest pesticide residues – and which do not – the following guidelines from the Environmental Working Group will help.

12 Most Contaminated:

* Peaches * Apples * Lettuce
* Celery * Nectarines * Strawberries
* Cherries * Pears * Potatoes
* Spinach * Sweet Bell Peppers
* Grapes (Imported – check label)

12 Least Contaminated:

* Onions * Avocado* Pineapples
* Sweet Corn (Frozen) * Mango
* Asparagus * Sweet Peas (Frozen)
* Kiwi Fruit * Bananas * Cabbage
* Broccoli * Papaya



Citric acid gives it its fresh scent, bleaching, stain removing, deodorizing and bacteria-fighting capabilities.

  1. Clean food stains on a counter: Cut lemon in half. Sprinkle some baking soda or cream of tartar on the counter squeeze a little lemon juice on top and use the lemon itself to scrub. Allow to dry and wipe with a clean cloth.
  2. Deodorize and kill germs on wooden cooking utensils and cutting boards: Rub with a cut lemon or some lemon juice and rinsing clean. Allow to thoroughly dry.
  3. Clean your stove top: Use a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda.
  4. Clean copper: Use a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda or salt, or just sprinkle one of them on lemon half and rub. Rinse clean.
  5. Clean stainless steel sinks: Rub with lemons and baking soda. Rinse clean.
  6. Cleaner Laundry: Add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to the wash cycle, instead of bleach.

Click here for more tips!