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Playing with the Future of the Cape's Water Supply

by Amanda Converse

Cape Cod's water supply is certainly a thing of beauty. Not only does it provide both residents and visitors with a beautiful landscape, but it also supplies everyone with water for their personal and professional needs.

Whether it be for drinking, cooking, cleaning, or even beer making, the groundwater supply here is responsible for sustaining our way of life.

The wastewater created by human activity in residential and commercial spaces is generally treated by individual on-site septic systems that drain into the groundwater; the groundwater that flows underground through watersheds to all of the Cape's coastal areas

A roadmap for a
greener community…
One business at a time

Readers Celebrate Our Environment With Poetry For The Fall

Braving the Light

by Kim Baker

Fall Poem

by Grace Finch

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made from eco-friendly, reclaimed
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535 South Street, Hyannis

An oak tree in Harwich displays signs of Gall Wasp infestation with its canopy of dead branches and undersized brown curling leaves


What's Happening To Our Environment?

This new column explores issues that in our humble opinion are not getting enough press time. This is also a column for you to share your environmental concerns about issues that may not have a simple solution. By discussing them here, we hope to raise awareness of these issues and nudge those who CAN find answers into action.

Cape Cod Without Oak Trees? Seriously?

by Nicola Burnell

To quote the inimitable British musician Joe Jackson:

"Cause if my eyes don't deceive me there's something going wrong around here."

In the Summer issue of CapeWomenOnline magazine I asked readers to "look up" and examine the canopies of the oak trees in their neighborhood. The signs are so obvious they are hard to miss, but several months later, people are STILL unaware of this environmental nightmare playing out right in our own back yards!


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Winter Spring Summer Fall Holiday

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