Treasure Time: Learning to Love the Written Word

by Lee Drescher

In the year 2000, I founded Treasure Time, a nonprofit organization that promotes literacy through the arts for children ages two through ten.

I come from an early childhood and school library background, with over ten years of teaching experience and two master's degrees in education. I love picture books, which I consider to be works of art. I also love to play the guitar and sing with children.

When I can't find the right song, I create one. Over the years, I've compiled a collection of almost fifty original children's songs. Often the tunes are related to a picture book, which I interpret with children through dance, drama, song and hands-on art.


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The Write Way:
Getting Your Dialogue to Flow

by Katie O'Sullivan

Have you ever read a book and thought, "Do real people ever talk like that?" Have you ever been reading a chapter and suddenly can't figure out which character is speaking?

I've heard questions from a few people about writing good dialogue, and thought I'd focus on a few basics in my column.

Some authors find it easy to write dialogue, other find the concept difficult to master. As with anything in writing, practice is important. To master dialogue, however, you also need to be an avid reader. Take note of how other authors deal with conversations, and how the styles vary, and then try it with your own characters.

Here are a few basic tips to help you get your characters sound like real people instead of cardboard cutouts.


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Unfolding the Shadows

by Cape Cod author
Katie O'Sullivan

Now available in Paperback!


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locally owned bookstores

The Truth About Food:
The Good, the Bad and the Downright Dangerous

Book Review by Deb Stetson of
Gillian Drake's latest book

Published by Shank Painter Publishing, 2013


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